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cohiba behike 56 for sale, Cohiba Behike 56 is a special Cuban cigar made with tobacco leaves from the top of the Medio Tiempo plant. These leaves are incredibly rare, giving the cigar its unique flavor. The Cohiba Behike 56 is also notable for its large size; it is one of the largest cigars on the market. The best Cuban cigar, according to many cigar connoisseurs, bhk 56 is the largest member of the behike family.
What does Cohiba Behike 56 taste like?
The Cohiba Behike 56 line is the most elegant and has a distinct flavor that sets it apart from other cigars. The 56 refers to the percentage of tobacco used in the blend, a mix of tobaccos from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba. The flavor is creamy and smooth, with notes of pepper and spice. The cigar gets its name from the Mayan word for “sacred,” and it is said to be the most premium cigar in the world. The middle third of the cigar is where the flavors come through, and the final third is when the spice kicks in.
How long does Cohiba BHK 56 last?
The Elegant brand of Habanos Cohiba BHK 56 cigar is a blend of tobaccos from Cuba and top leaves of the sun-grown Vuelta Abajo region. The flavor is full and rich, with notes of wood and earth. There is a long finish to the smoke, which is smooth and creamy. This cigar will last for approximately 1-2 hours.
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Smoking a Cohiba Behike BHK 56
Smoking a Cohiba Behike BHK 56 is an amazing experience. This cigar is one of the most popular in Cuba and is known for its smooth draw and great flavor. The Cohiba Behike BHK 56 is a medium size cigar that comes in a black box. It is made with only the finest tobacco leaves from Cuba.
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