Order Davidoff Escurio
First, Davidoff Cigars for sale Cigars Online. Davidoff is a top-shelf cigar maker well-known for producing a large portfolio of primarily milder blends from the Dominican Republic. However, over the past few years the company has branched out into other regions with its black-banded cigar lines. Davidoff Escurio extends the brand in another new direction with a rich, medium to full-bodied blend of Brazilian binders paired with Brazilian and Dominican fillers under a robust, sultry Ecuador Habano wrapper. Davidoff Cigars for sale
Buy Davidoff Cigars Online
Escurio presents a balanced combination of sweet and spicy notes with hints of leather, nuts and cinnamon. Exquisite construction with a cool, slow-burning complexity offers a memorable, satisfying finish.
Escurio is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, however, the line’s motif is intended to celebrate the vitality and sparkle of Brazil. Spice up the selection in your humidor with Davidoff Escurio. Order yours today!
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