Explore the World of Cigars: Buy Cigars Online with Worldwide Shipping
At our cigar store, we take pride in providing quality cigars and excellent customer service to cigar enthusiasts worldwide. We understand that our customers may be located in different parts of the world and have different preferences and needs when it comes to shipping and delivery. To ensure that our customers have a positive experience shopping with us, we have established the following company policy for delivering cigars worldwide:
Read carefully;
- Shipping and Handling: We ship our cigars via reliable and reputable carriers to ensure that they arrive in a timely and safe manner. Our shipping rates are calculated based on the weight and destination of the order. We also offer tracking information and insurance for added security and peace of mind.
- Customs and Duties: Our customers are responsible for any customs fees, taxes, or duties that may be incurred upon delivery. We recommend that customers research the customs regulations in their country before placing an order.
- Age Verification: We strictly adhere to the legal age requirements for purchasing and consuming tobacco products. We require all customers to provide a valid government-issued ID to verify their age before processing their order.
- Returns and Refunds: We want our customers to be satisfied with their purchases. If for any reason a customer is not satisfied with their order, we offer a hassle-free return and refund policy. Customers must notify us within 14 days of receiving their order and return the cigars in their original condition.
- Customer Service: Our knowledgeable and friendly customer service team is available to assist customers with any questions or concerns they may have regarding their order. We strive to provide prompt and courteous service to ensure a positive shopping experience for all of our customers.
At our cigar store, we are committed to delivering quality cigars and excellent customer service to our customers worldwide. By adhering to these policies, we aim to ensure a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience for all of our customers.
Online cigar retailers worldwide, Cigars for sale worldwide, Worldwide cigar delivery, Buy cigars online with worldwide shipping, International cigar shipping, Global cigar shipping, Buy cigars online for international delivery, Cigars shipped worldwide, Online cigar store worldwide shipping, Global cigar store.
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